Each time we were about to bring a baby into our home — both as we prepped for the Little Lady’s adoption and as we dealt with two surprise pregnancies — there was one thing common to all three experiences: this Mama went NUTS focusing on the “Nursery.”
In my mind, it was so important; this room would be the first and last sight as little eyes opened and closed each day. It would be the room where my little one(s) learned to play, learned to dream . . . where they would hear their first lullabies and their first bedtime stories.
The Little Lady's Shabby Chic Nursery . . . yes, I went against the "normal" girlie look and chose blue for the walls!
The nursery had to be perfect and so for both the Little Lady and Mr. Boy, I spent hours and weeks and months agonizing over paint and fabrics and bedding and knick-knacks. Each room had to evoke a certain mood … both for me and my baby.
And then poor Barney Kneeknuckles came along as the third child and had to make do with sharing a room and sleeping under his big brother’s hand-me-down blankets. Poor little third child.
(he’ll forgive me, right?)
My Colortopia
I wish My Colortopia had been around each time I stressed over a nursery; here’s a site providing paint color tips (like how paint color affects infant sleep) and nursery ideas (thanks to their talented design panel, which features some of my favorite design/home lifestyle bloggers) AND a lot of practical “how-tos” for any project (such as how to choose a paint palette and how to redecorate a room in three steps)
Love their Nursery mood boards!
My Baby’s Room Quiz
And, if you need even more help narrowing down a palette, you can take the My Baby’s Room Quiz (pssst — look below. You can take it right now on my blog) that will help you choose palettes based on a series of questions. With just a few clicks, you’ll find the nursery paint you and your baby will love with Baby Room Colors from Glidden® Paint, as seen in What to Expect When You’re Expecting (only in theaters).
My quiz results?
The five multiple choice questions led me to several palette options based on my personality and style — one of those palettes is something I can totally see myself using whenever we finally pull together the “Boys’ Room” for Mr. Boy and Barney Kneeknuckles.
(that is, if I can convince my Texas-Aggies loving husband to go for “Orange” . . . if you’re a Texan, you’ll understand)
The Glidden Giveaway on Circle of Moms
Right now, Glidden is running a giveaway on Circle of Moms for a chance to win a $2,500 Walmart gift card which can be used toward decorating and furnishing the nursery of your dreams.
Entering this contest? A piece of cake! Simply visit the giveaway post on Circle of moms, check out the Colortopia mood boards, and then leave a comment there, saying which board is your favorite.
So easy!
The Glidden giveaway started May 17th, 2012 and will run through June 7, 2012; the winner will be announced during the week of June 18, 2012 on MyColortopia.com. Please visit this blog post on MyColortopia.com for more details regarding the giveaway.
Sigh . . .all of this nursery talk almost make me want another baby . . . almost.
disclosure: I have been sponsored by Glidden paint brand to write this post but all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.