I mean, I would do it myself but I’m just too tired.
Oh, and for the record, the “Him” I’m talking about is this boy right here:

Although, Nacho might have been a little more intelligent than my husband Monday.
I was laying on the couch around mid-morning, trying to take a nap, as I typically do these days. Hubby knows this. We’ve talked about how exhausted I have been over the past two week. . . how I absolutely have to take at least one nap in order to make it through the day. I *thought* that hubby got the picture.
I was wrong.
Hubby plopped down beside me and began tickling me — an action that did NOT make me happy or giggly.
“Stop! I’m tired — I’m trying to sleep!”
Hubby sighed. “What have you done today to be tired about??” He stood up, looking down at me as I once again curled up under my little blanket.
“Me? Oh, I don’t know — I’m just making a WHOLE OTHER PERSON here!”
He began to strut into the kitchen. “Like that’s hard.”
I raised up a bit, just enough to quickly fire back a retort. “Get back over here so I can kick you!”
“No, I’m not,” he calmly stated. “I’m staying right here so you can get up and have something to be tired about!”
And, had he not taken off his shirt and proceeded to perform his “Old Man” dance, I would have gotten up and kicked him.
Unfortunately, I was laughing too hard.
Which left me wayyyyyyyy too tired to attempt any kicking.
Darn! He got out of it (again).