The Little Lady must have felt her Type-A Mommy’s body tightening from blogger’s tension, because (bless her little heart) she decided to take TWO naps today.
What’s so great about two naps?
Those two naps allowed me to get completely caught up on comment returning/blog visiting!!! The Little Lady ROCKS . . . as does everyone who commented on my previous “freak-out post.” THANK YOU for your comments — I really appreciated all of the encouragement. It’s a relief to know that the whole blog world won’t collapse if Little-Ol-Me can’t keep up. 🙂
During the Little Lady’s naptime (which sounds like it is about to end) I also played around with my layout and came up with something new (thanks to Simply Fabulous Designs). But, since I’m “wonderfully” indecisive, I can’t decide if I like the new layout or the old layout better.