(I love him!)
For the past week, he’s been demanding to eat every hour and a half — it’s not too bad during the day, but it’s torture at night. There were several nights where I slept a mere 30 minutes before he was waking for another feed. Oy vey. NOT FUN!
Last night, however, he slept 4 and half hours IN A ROW! Happy, happy, joy, joy!
Do you have any idea what I can DO with that much sleep? Well, for one thing, I’m a little less overwhelmed and “gripey.” Woo hoo for everyone who has to be around me! Hmmm, wait a minute. I think I just realized why Hubby suggested the kids be dalmatian puppies for Halloween . . . and I be CRUELLA DEVILE! (And I thought he was just being cute. Hmph!)
Anyway, I was able to clean the entire downstairs during our afternoon nap time today. Normally, I am C-R-A-S-H-I-N-G during nap time. I’m talking passed out on the couch, snoring louder than my Grandpa, completely oblivious to everything.
I am not ashamed — I probably should be, but I am NOT!
But, today, I cleaned, swept, sorted laundry, and dusted.
I was a cleaning fool. A frenzy of productivity.
I flat out ROCKED!
I even put together a week of activities for the Little Lady — oh yes, I had the energy to get us back in gear for “Tot School.” (We’re making ladybugs this afternoon, in case you’re interested!)
Swoon. I “big puffy heart” sleep.
It’s officially my best friend.