Oh, this is big. REALLY big.
Like, the kind of big that makes me want to dance like the Little Lady — a mix of moves a la Phoebe or Elaine (if you don’t catch the Friends or Seinfeld references I really feel for you. Really).
The kind of big that makes me want to stay up all night . . . just to swim in my own pool of delirious excitement.
The kind of big that makes “ya wanna slap ya mama.” (NOT that I EVER would, Mom!)
Here’s a sneak peak . . . can you figure out the change that is a’comin?
(and, yes, I had fun with overlays and textures; thanks, Carissa, for the inspiration!)
Have you figured it out yet? No? Oh, my — surely you all are better sleuths than this!
I’ll give a couple of more hints.
Curtains (full of gingham, linen, and rick-rack deliciousness) are involved.
New cabinets and shelves (ready to hold mounds of talking plastic bits and little doll bottles) are involved.
New, warm paint (the perfect shade to hide a Little Lady’s impromptu artistic endeavors in crayon) is involved.
Any ideas?
Well, then just wait. Till next week. And you’ll see what has this mama in a dizzying state of delight!