I joined Feedburner last week. I know, I know — I follow the trends as they are placed before me. What can I say? I’m weak like that.
But, much like Twitter a few weeks ago, it leaves me in a state of befuddlement. I understand how it works: people subscribe to me. Seems easy enough.
Then, how did I go from having 3 Glorious Subscribers on Sunday to ZERO on Monday? Did my 3 Glorious Subscribers suddenly get ticked off at me and cancel their free subscription? Did my change from cute green shoes to (one) slightly sexy green shoe offend their sense of decorum?????
To my 3 Glorious Subscribers: my most heartfelt apologies are extended your way. Please return. I don’t like feeling like a Feedburner Loser everytime I check stats and see the great big ZERO by the word “subscribers.”