Yay, it’s 11:35 pm and …… well, now it’s 11:44 pm. Why the nearly 10 minute delay in one sentence? Stupid blogger here accidentally turned on (or turned off, I’m not sure) the “filter keys” (whatever those are) and pretty much jacked up the lower case/upper case. Yeah — I’m smart.

For those 9 minutes, I felt like Bill Murray in “Groundhog Day” — each minute consisted of me, dumbfounded and frustrated, holding down the shift key and counting to 8 for the little filter-key window to pop. Once it popped up, was I able to effectively fix the problem? Well, since it took 9 minutes to correct my idiocy, the answer is obviously and emphatically NO!!!!!!!!!
Ugh! This post was supposed to be about how I’m having bouts of insomnia . . . how I’ve spent each night this week up till nearly 5 am . . . how tonight is probably going to be the same . . . how I might as well stay up because the Little Lady and I have to catch the red-eye to Tulsa (dang, is that a country song or what?).
But, no — this post ends up highlighting how ridiculous I am and how I can manage to write a post about nothing.
I sooooo do not “rock” tonight.