I woke up with a horrible sinus headache, so today’s post is very brief.
FIRST: Make sure you stop by next week! My VERY FIRST CONTEST starts Monday!!! I’m very excited to be offering a giveaway from the Peace Love Mom clothing company! You’ve seen their shirts on Jon & Kate Plus 8, as well as numerous parenting magazines!!!! Now, they’ll be on Following in My Shoes. 🙂
In addition to the giveaway, they are giving a FREE SHIPPING code to everyone who stops by my blog . . . just in time for the “gift-giving” time of year!
There’s more, but you’ll have to wait until Monday for that!!! (tease!)
SECOND (and THIRD): Today is Scrapbook Saturday and the deadline for the School Photo Contest hosted by Write from Karen. Below is my submission for both!
As I’ve mentioned before, while I was teaching I absolutely loved Homecoming Week. The entire school body was bustling with an excited energy, as each day started with its own unique theme. Students and teachers alike dressed, each eager to outdo the other!
On Nerd Day, we had nearly 100% participation — it was definitely everyone’s favorite!!!!!!!
There was also “Pirate Day,” another theme that ROCKED (sorry, slipped into my high school lingo).
And, by far the most popular, “Switch Day,” where teachers dressed like the students and students dressed like their teachers.
2006 — I was the Emo Kid
2005 — I was a BOY!
Now, who dares to say school isn’t fun??????