Ok — I understand that gravity is not a girl’s best friend. I know that someday, in the distant future (hopefully a VERY distant future) I will have OWB (Old Woman Boobs). But, is OWB an excuse to just let them go? I mean, REALLY let them go?
Last Saturday, as my mom and I waited for our table at Olive Garden, we watched two older women walk in, one of whom INSTANTLY caught our attention. This poor soul was most likely in her mid sixties and didn’t seem to be a woman who worried about her appearance. But it wasn’t the lack of make-up or hair product that drew our eyes to her. Nope — it was her two foot long OWB.
That’s right — two feet L-O-N-G. What used to be in the middle of each OWB was now WELL BELOW her navel.
(I’ll give you a second to let that sink in)
Furthermore — she wasn’t wearing a stitch of foundational clothing; that’s right — no “Over the Shoulder Boulder Holder.” Now, in my humble opinion, two foot of OWB shouldn’t be allowed to “free-boob,” as the phrase goes. But, that’s exactly the situation this woman was in. Only a thin, turquoise knit shirt provided a barrier between her skin and the rest of us.
Not a pretty picture.
I STILL can’t figure out why she would go around like this! In addition to the appearance, it could NOT have been comfortable; I watched her walk. Those OWB did not stay in one place! Ow! I don’t have two feet of boob-action goin’ on, but I know that good support feels GOOD!
Sigh — I hope I never get so old that I don’t care about these things. That would be sad. . . .for me and all those who had to see me.