If you are going to invest time (and white shoe polish) to create a tribute for a deceased person, PLEASE (please) spell things correctly!!!!
Ok, so maybe the subject of the tribute doesn’t care about spelling, but I(and it’s all about me, you know) the rest of us do!!! Maybe it’s the English teacher in me, but I could do little more than cringe in horror as we came upon this car Saturday afternoon.
Proudly, lovingly written across the rear window were the words “In menory of Michel Jackson.”
Yes — in “menory” of “Michel.”

Seriously! HOW do you mess up Michael Jackson’s name?
“Menory” only appeared once, but I’m convinced it would have been misspelled had it been used again.
(don’t EVEN get me started on how one gets MEMORY wrong! M and N aren’t so similar that you can exchange them for one another)

The driver? She was a young woman, probably in her early 20s, with quite the impressive collection of small stuffed animals across her front dash.
Oh, well . . . R.I.P. Michel.
It’s the sentiment that counts, right?