Of course, I ask that completely tongue in cheek as I’ve been responsible for a good many of those pumpkin pics out in the blogosphere!
Fall has FINALLY arrived here in Houston; the thick humidity has evaporated in the wake of cool, crisp air swooshing in over the weekend. I can’t even BEGIN to explain how happy I am to be able to breathe this air. S’Wonderful!
Because summer has a hold for so long here, our gardens — crepe myrtles, plumbago, snapdragons, and all the others, are still blooming despite the looming monthly calendar change. Today, my baby and I walked around the garden, her little lisp sweetly announcing each flower we saw. Unlike her mommy, the Little Lady loves to be outside — anytime, anywhere, and in any amount of humidity. She has no idea how much I normally sacrifice to take her outside.
But — there was no sacrifice today. I gladly stepped outdoors, tot and toys in hand (er, arms), to enjoy our late blooming flowers on a beautiful day.
Now . . . if only the bleepity blank mosquitoes would LEAVE!