And I felt like something was missing.
Is that a sign of blogging addiction?
Is there a help group?
(probably. . . complete with its own blog)
And, today was Wordless Wednesday — the easiest blogging day of the week. And I still missed it.
I’m going to blame it on Mother Nature, who, last night, sent a Storm in the path of my airplane ride from Tulsa to Houston. That’s right — a “capital S” Storm, as in lightening and heavy turbulence. Turbulence scares the CRAP out of me, especially when I’m holding my Little Lady in my lap. (oh, and that was a metaphor. . . as in figurative language, not literal. Crap does not “randomly” leave my body . . . just in case you were wondering)
She thought it was fun — as much fun as the mall carousel. Each time the turbulence began, she’s begin squealing, “WEEEEEEEEEE!!!!“
That’s NOT what Mommy was saying.
3 hours after our scheduled arrival time, we landed. 6 hours after our last meal. 12 hours after our last nap.
I’ll let you decide what kind of mood I was in by the end.
Tired? DING DING DING! We have a winner — I WAS tired! You are so smart!
Tired Mommy = No Blogging.
Now you know.
And ……………….. I’m out.