THAT’S what I feel like SCREAMING every time my husband sits next to me.
Now, before I continue, I must put out my disclaimer:
Yes, I love spending time with my husband.
Yes, I’m glad that I have a husband genuinely interested in my hobbies.
Does he HAVE to look over my shoulder when I’m blogging, checking email, reading a book, or designing?
I know (and he knows and now Y’ALL know) that I have absolutely nothing to hide. But, I still like my privacy. Maybe I’m just weird like that, but I really don’t think so. This is MY TIME!!!!
I mean, is it really too much to ask that I be able to sit on the couch, laptop on my lap (yes, I’m literal like that), and spend time being nosy about the lives of others????? I’M supposed to be the nosy one — that’s why I like blogging so much.
What’s he so worried about that he’s got to try to “Be All Up In My Bidnezz?” (insert diva-liscious zig-zag head shake here)
Oh no — I think I just got some insight as to why the Little Lady is such a Diva.
(blushing and running of to hide now)