My poor confused Little Lady.
Little does my wee tot know, but her statements Monday night would have gotten us stoned or burned at the stake several hundreds of years ago. The crime? Heresy.
The Little Lady believes that Mommy is going to give birth to . . . .
Monday night, as I attempted to rock my stubborn child to sleep, The Little Lady pulled out all the stops, desperately trying to stay awake. We read books, sang songs, and prayed three times.
I think it was the multitude of songs and prayers that caused her to reach her faulty conclusion. These days, her favorite songs are she has learned while at Sunday School. Since she is still in the baby class, her class is all about singing. . . including a few songs about Baby Jesus.
As we sat, rocking and rocking and rocking . . . and singing and singing and singing her Sunday School songs, The Little Lady abruptly sat up in my lap, with a puzzled look on her face.
“Where Baby Desus go,” she asked — her little hands raised above her shoulders.
Before I could give her a complete, theologically sound answer, she reached her own conclusion.
With absolute certainty, the Little Lady lifted my shirt, exposing my swollen, baby filled stomach.
“Der he is!”
And, with that discovery, she leaned over and kissed my baby/belly/Baby Jesus.
Um . . . anyone have ANY ideas how to explain to a 22 month old the truth? I’ve tried, but I am NOT getting through to her!