Public Service Announcement: this post does a bit of an unusual word in it. My apologies if it is offensive. Blame my daughter.

I’ve mentioned before that I have quite the little talker on my hands.
Did I pass along the fact that her pronunciation skills are a little lacking?
Fortunately, most of the time, her words aren’t “that” off. It’s easy to tell what’s she is trying to say.
Fin’em = Find him. (Despite the masculine pronoun, this phrase is used for EVERYTHING that she loses and needs RIGHT NOW.)
Yook = Look (A favorite word right now as she points out everything amazing to a 20 month old)
Lereal = Cereal (this word is usually screamed, especially at the end of Sunday School when her teacher brings out the Cheerios)
But, then there are the words that just do NOT sound right. In fact, they’re just down right obscene.
The one word at the top of the list? Cock.
Excuse me, I meant SOCK.
Yeah, my innocent little girl says “Cock” every time she talks about a sock. It might not be soooo bad, except for the wee little fact of when she talks about socks.
The Little Lady loves to pick up her daddy’s socks in order to smell them. She thinks it is HILARIOUS if they stink.
“Eeewwie! Kinky cock!”
Oh — did I mention that KINKY is her word for stinky??????? Yes, it is.
Sigh. We’re desperately working the letter S over here, but so far the lessons just ain’t sticking.