That’s what I learned this week. Announce you’re pregnant and you’ll get a few awards. 🙂
Although, to be honest, a few of these were given to me before my announcement, but because I’m such a slacker about posting awards . . . well, that’s just it. I’m a slacker.
So, here we go.
Two people have sent this to me! Woo hoo. Penny, whose blog (Teaching Challenges) explores and discusses her goals/experiences as a teacher, was the first to send this award. Incidentally, I wish I had been a better blogger while I was teaching — I would have loved to brainstorm with her. Her blog is great resource for teachers! (she also made my day with her reasons why she gave me this award!)
Elaine (from Commotion from the Ocean of Life) was the 2nd to pass along the “Butterfly.” This blogger has been such a support since the moment I went public with this blog. She always comes along with sweet comments, blog layout tips, and encouragement. Thanks, Elaine!

One of my new favorite bloggers (new to me!), from Firefly Shop, REALLY out did herself. She sent along these five awards. That’s right . . count ’em. FIVE. I love it!! She has a fun, fun blog (and an awesome layout that I wish I’d made!). GO CHECK HER OUT!
Did you see the little Lemonade Cart award above???? Well, it just so happens that someone else also picked me for this award! The Rambler sent it to me. If you haven’t come across her blogs, you definitely need to do so! Not only does she have her personal blog, but she also maintains a blog about her little Roo — Caring For Cole. It was actually from this blog (which focuses on her life with Cole, who was born with Cerebral Palsy) that I first met her.
Ok, now its time to pass along these awards. Please insert the sound of a drum roll in your head.
Now, turn it off.
Here we go:
The View from My Beach Chair
Caring for Cole
Boondock Ramblings
The Buttload of Awards
Ma Vie Folle
A Day In the Life
I’m No SuperMom
Raising Delia
The Lemonade Award
(which I’m choosing to pass along to blogs that I think are just SWEET!)
That Engaged Girl
Our Lives in a Nutshell
THANKS, friends . . . . I hope I haven’t forgotten anything or anyone!