Sigh. What a day and what a night.
The Little Lady’s surgery went as well as anticipated, despite all of Mommy’s nerves, tears, and worries.
Actually, I held it together fairly well during the “before time,” the “waiting around time” . . . which lasted longer than expected since her surgery started late.
Yep, I did fairly well, until the Anesthesiologist took her from me. The Little Lady looked back at me and, in her little squeaky voice, asked “Where Mommy Go?”
That’s when I lost it and the desk staff scrambled to grab boxes and boxes of tissues for me.
Two and a half hours later, we received the notice that her surgery was over — after some time spent with her doctor going over some details, we were allowed to visit her in recovery. WOW — I had NO IDEA how tough the recovery time would be. She was scared and cranky, trying to come out from the effects of anesthesia, and her poor throat was all scratched from her tube.
That was definitely the saddest I’ve ever seen the Little Lady.

We were in the Recovery Center for several hours — again, longer than we (or the nurses) expected. There were a series of events that kept us from moving to our room, one of which involved some lab work that just wouldn’t go right.
Finally, after 8pm, we were taken to her room. The rest of the night was pretty active — nurses and assistants in and out every hour or so. The Little Lady had a hard time with the pain and wasn’t able to tolerate liquids . . . which brought about some “learning time.” She now knows the all important phrase “I Throw Up.”

This morning, things have gone a little better; the anti-nausea medicine and the morphine have worked wonders. We saw our first smile just a little bit ago and heard our first full sentences in 24 hours. She was able to tolerate a little bit of beef “zoop” (that she excitedly said she “yikes”) and drank a bit of Gatorade.
Now, the medicine has begun to make her drowsy, giving her the chance for some much needed rest.
We’ll have a better idea this evening, after her doctor checks her again, whether or not she’ll be released tomorrow morning.
Thank you so, so, so, so much for all of your prayers, thoughts, and encouragement!!!!