Apparently, the Little Lady is too little. Wayyyyyy too little.
Since we brought her home from the hospital, people have always commented on her petite size; she was in premie clothing for the first 8 weeks and didn’t really fit into 3-6 months clothing till she was 7 months old. Even now, at 18 months, she wears 6-12 months clothing.
On one hand, its been nice that her clothing lasts FOREVER, but I do get tired of the “good grief — she is little!” comments.
Here she was, around 2-3 months old, sitting next to a friend who is about a month older. Do you SEE the size difference??? (And, before you ask — that particular bow was NOT that big. I promise!)
Of course, when she was smaller, she had horrible reflux and was lactose intolerant. She ate like a bird back then. I was happy when she would drink a full 4 ounces of her formula. Now that all that is passed, she eats all the time. This girl LOVES her food — there hasn’t been a single fruit, vegetable, protein, or carb that she has turned away.
But despite all of her eating and eating and eating, she has dropped off of her weight curve and is no longer considered in a normal weight range.
Sigh. Now I feel like a loser mom. I have the ridiculously skinny kid — the one that is too skinny — the one that might have to see ANOTHER specialist if she doesn’t start gaining weight.
Her doctor was sweet about it, trying to make sure I didn’t feel bad. She said that we basically had to feed the Little Lady a diet that we, as adults, would turn away . . . a diet of high fat, high protein. That’s right, Hubby, your daughter has been given the go ahead to eat all of the bacon, sausage, eggs, and peanut butter she wants.
Of course, I completely freaked out in my head and headed for the grocery store after we left the appointment, trying to think of every high fat/high protein food I could.
How do you plan a high fat, high protein diet without resorting to “Spaghetti O’s” and hot dogs???
HELP!!!!! Seriously, if ANYONE has had to deal with this or has sure fire idea, please send them my way.
(Mama needs a Dr. Pepper)