Yep — Blood Transfusion time.
Oh yeah, and we’re still in the hospital.
Do I really need to say more? This has been an awful week — especially for my poor, sad Little Lady. She seemed to do well the first day post-op; after some sleep and pain medicine, she was interactive for the first time and eating.
Things took a turn yesterday; the Little Lady began to refuse food and drink, and she became quite lethargic, barely speaking. Heck, she hardly had the energy to hold her own sippy cup or remove her pacifier from her mouth. We started receiving the question, “Is she always this pale;” we answered each time jokingly, as she is a pale one like her mama (seriously, I’m really, really, REALLY pasty).
We had no idea that the pale question was serious.
Lab work was ordered this morning and the results weren’t what we’d imagined. Her blood count was fairly low, requiring a second blood draw a few hours later. The second blood draw showed that the Little Lady’s hemoglobin had dropped a bit more.
That’s when I was told the doctor might order a transfusion.
I tried to break down in tears once the nurse left, but a crying mama freaks out a Little Lady So, quickly and completely, I had to “suck it up,” as the phrase goes.
Now, we’re here in the room — a sleepy, pathetic yearling resting on her Daddy’s chest and a drained mama with mascara stained cheeks — both wearily watching our sweet nurse detach the potassium drip and hook up the bag boldly labeled “O Rh POSITIVE.”
If tomorrow’s labs show a better hemoglobin count, we are “supposed” to be released.
You don’t know how badly I’m hoping that actually happens.