Finally … FINALLY! iHeartLunch is BACK!!!
Yes, my children HAVE been eating over the past two months while at school and this post is the proof.
[exceptional-citing quoted=”featured-bento” template=”bubble-gray” date=”” ]In This Lunch: Homemade Chicken Nuggets and Ketchup; Alphabet Pretzels; Carrots; Frozen Applesauce. Stored in an Easy Lunchbox Container.[/exceptional-citing]
We’ve had hot lunches, cold lunches, make-ahead lunches, and fresh lunches. We’ve had simple lunches and lunches that probably got a few eye-rolls from teachers.
[exceptional-citing quoted=”featured-bento” template=”bubble-gray” date=”” ]In this Bento: Almond Butter and Honey Sandwich (w/ Sour Gummy Worm); Alphabet Pretzels; Babybel Cheese; Sliced Cucumbers; Sliced Apples. Stored in an Easy Lunchboxes Container.[/exceptional-citing]
We’ve celebrated random holidays … and the arrival of Fall … and just being kidlets.
[exceptional-citing quoted=”featured-bento” template=”bubble-gray” date=”” ]In This Bento: Triscuit Crackers; Deli Turkey; Colby-Jack Cheese; Frozen Applesauce; Sweet Pepper Slices; Homemade Ranch Dip in the small container pink container. Stored in an Easy Lunchboxes.[/exceptional-citing]
It’s been a wild two months — getting used to teaching and morning schedules and nighttime homework — but iHeartLunch is back again for school lunch inspiration.
p.s. If you need more than weekly inspiration when it comes to lunch ideas, you can always follow me on Instagram. Nearly every single lunch gets published there and I always share what we’re eating and what container I use.
Time to share your lunch! What fun lunch boxes have you been packing for your family?
You can link to any kid-lunch/bento or family-friendly recipe on a blog post or via flickr photos — this linky is for any kind of healthy school lunch and kid-food, regardless if it is Bento-style or not. I want to celebrate our efforts to provide good and enjoyable school lunches for our families!
My only request is that you either add a link back to this post or include the Lunch Graphic (which links back) to your post so others can get here to view the linked lunches too!
Link up your school lunches and bentos! Please use a permalink for your post rather than linking your general blog/flickr account URL — this will help people go directly to your fabulous lunch!

Now — link ’em up!
disclosure: some affiliate links were used in this post
[…] post is linked to Fifteen Minute Friday at Bentos on the Bayou and I Heart Lunch at Following in My […]