It’s been just shy of a month, give or take, since we put the whole family on a grain-free experiment. So far, it has DEFINITELY helped the Little Lady’s tummy problems. Her stomach aches have nearly disappeared; the only time we see one arise is after she has eaten something she shouldn’t. We’re working on her being able to recognize and turn away from grains.
Now, coming up with grain-free dinner ideas is pretty easy (it is typically just a matter of avoiding rice and pasta), but planning a grain-free lunch day after day after day has NOT been a simple thing.
I hadn’t realized how reliant I have been on The Sandwich. They are so easy, aren’t they? Kids don’t fuss over them and they happily munch away.
Taking away the Sandwich (and even whole grain crackers, goldfish, etc.) left me scratching my head for kid-friendly lunches that would satisfy my Kidlets, their never-full tummies and Mr. Boy’s picky palate.
But, after brainstorming with the Kidlets, scouring Pinterest, and asking friends, I’m starting to build an arsenal of grain free lunch ideas to which the Kidlets are responding well. Even Mr. Picky Boy has been trying everything and eating most of it (still working on this kid and veggies!)
Here is what my newly grain-free Kidlets ate for lunch last week. (and, forgive the phone pics … I was missing the memory card for my Nikon! GAH!)
[exceptional-citing quoted=”featured-bento” template=”bubble-gray” date=”” ]Nitrate-free Hot Dogs, Sliced Cheese Stick, Grain-Free Apple Cider Donut-Bites, Veggies & Homemade Rance, Grapes. Stored in an Easy Lunchbox. Snoopy dip container from BentoUsa. [/exceptional-citing]
[exceptional-citing quoted=”featured-bento” template=”bubble-gray” date=”” ]In the Little Lady’s Lunch: leftover Spicy Shrimp, Cream Cheese Stuffed Sweet Pepper, Peas, Grapes, and a Clementine. Stored in a Lunchbots Trio.[/exceptional-citing]
[exceptional-citing quoted=”featured-bento” template=”bubble-gray” date=”” ]The boys were starting to miss sandwiches, so I used a grain-free waffle recipe to make them Grain-Free Almond Butter & Jelly Sandwiches. They also had Grapes and a Clementine, Whole-Milk Yogurt, and Carrots. Stored in a Easy Lunchbox.[/exceptional-citing]
[exceptional-citing quoted=”featured-bento” template=”bubble-gray” date=”” ]I found an AMAZING grain-free (paleo) crepe recipe that is PERFECT for tortillas. The kids gobbled up these Cheese & Carnitas Quesadillas made from the crepes and leftover pork carnitas. Also in this lunch: a Grain-Free Breakfast Cookie, Veggies & Homemade Ranch; Homemade Applesauce (frozen but thaws by lunchtime). Stored in an Easy Lunchbox. The small dip container from BentoUsa.[/exceptional-citing]
[exceptional-citing quoted=”featured-bento” template=”bubble-gray” date=”” ]This lunch was an easy one to pull together: rolled Deli Chicken, Carrots and Cucumber Sticks, Cheese Stick, Mixed Unsalted Nuts, Homemade Ranch, Grain-Free Cranberry Muffin, Grapes. Stored in an Easy Lunchbox. The small dip container from BentoUsa. I also packed a Lunchbox Love note to give a hint about our weekend camping trip.[/exceptional-citing]
[exceptional-citing quoted=”featured-bento” template=”bubble-gray” date=”” ]The Little Lady is the only one who has school on Fridays. For lunch, she had breakfast! Grain-free Zucchini Muffin, Crispy Roasted Rosemary Potatoes, Bacon, a Hard-Boiled Egg, and a few nuts in the sauce container. Unfortunately, I had forgotten that this child won’t touch a hard-boiled egg … everything else, however, was eaten. Stored in a Trudeau Fuel sandwich box. The small yellow dip container from BentoUsa.[/exceptional-citing]
Time to share your lunch! What fun lunch boxes have you been packing for your family?
You can link to any kid-lunch/bento or family-friendly recipe on a blog post or via flickr photos — this linky is for any kind of healthy school lunch and kid-food, regardless if it is Bento-style or not. I want to celebrate our efforts to provide good and enjoyable school lunches for our families!
My only request is that you either add a link back to this post or include the Lunch Graphic (which links back) to your post so others can get here to view the linked lunches too!
Link up your school lunches and bentos! Please use a permalink for your post rather than linking your general blog/flickr account URL — this will help people go directly to your fabulous lunch!

[…] This post is linked on What’s for Lunch Wednesday and I heart lunch. […]