I spent so many (ridiculous) minutes … ok, ok, HOURS planning the different lunches I prepared for the Kidlets last month in anticipation of Halloween. This time last week? I was planning my final bento of the Halloween season.
Trick or Treat Bento (in an Easy Lunchbox System)
(In upper, larger section) Shaped Carrots (cut using the Halloween cookie-cutter shapes from my Linzer set); Pretzels; String Cheese (wearing costumes — i.e. Finger Puppets I found in the Target Dollar Spot); Sunbutter & Honey Sandwiches. (In smaller sections) Fresh Fruit, Greek Yogurt with Sprinkles.
All month long, I wracked my brain for ideas to make the spooky and silly lunches. But, after Halloween came and went . . .
I. Was. Done.
I didn’t want to think about anything bento. ( True story.)
I was slightly burnt out on the whole makin’ lunch thing. Tired. Unable to think. Wishing their school offered a daily lunch for purchase.
But, their school doesn’t offer lunch . . . and these children demand to be fed (all the stinkin’ time) . . . and I like making things pretty. So, here I am. One week later and I find myself still riding along in the bento saddle — but not quite ready to delve into Thanksgiving themed bentos (it’s still sooooooo far away).
So for today, I’m giving my Kidlets a bento recognizing another American tradition. No, not a lunch of turkeys and cornucopias.
Freedom. The Right to be Heard and Counted. Democracy.
Democracy Bento (in an Easy Lunchbox System)
(In upper, smaller section) Greek Yogurt with Sprinkles, Blueberries & Raspberries. (In larger section) Babybel Cheese, Smoked Ham Sandwich with a Cheese “USA”, Cucumbers with Star Centers.
Oh, yes… the great Presidential Race has come to bento-land.
(in an edible sort of way)
Don’t worry. I’m not going spout off any political speeches here … or even try to sway you one way or the other with today’s food.
I’m just commemorating something special (yes, my Fellow Americans, despite the mudslinging and the name-calling on Facebook, we do have something special going on here): The United States of America.
Our leaders aren’t born into their position through blood or caste lines. They don’t fight their way in with guns and bloodshed and military coups.
We get to choose ’em.
Yes, the presidential political season is draining — most of the time, instead of truly looking at issues, the race seems to be an ongoing onslaught of bickering and ridiculousness (made all the worse thanks to Facebook … have I said that already?). Debates seem to be chances not to spread one’s messsage but opportunities to trip up the other opponent or guffaw as he stutters and blunders through off-the cuff comments.
But, there’s something bigger than the propaganda that comes from both sides and the political rants shared through social media. There’s the chance to say “yes” or “no.”
There aren’t many places in the world with such a luxury. . . this “right” to vote.
Here, however, we have it. Men and women alike. Regardless of race, creed, religion, or wealth, we get to choose.
I think a little Facebook annoyances are worth handling for that luxurious right.
Link Up With I Heart Lunch
I adore getting inspiration and ideas (and even “THAT’S how you do that” moments) from others out there … so let’s share with one another with the “I Heart Lunch Weekly Link-up.”
You can link to a blog post or flickr photos — this linky is for any kind of healthy school lunch, regardless if it is Bento-style or not. I want to celebrate our efforts to provide good and enjoyable school lunches for our children!
The linky is offered each Tuesday when I share our Bento lunches so you’ll be able to add your lunches every week. My only request is that you either add a link back to this post or include the Lunch Graphic (which links back) to your post so others can get here to view the linked lunches too!
Link up your school lunches and bentos! Please use a permalink for your post rather than linking your general blog/flickr account URL — this will help people go directly to your fabulous lunch!
Note: you can link a blog post, public facebook photo, flickr page, etc.

Now — link ’em up!