In a few weeks, we will be in full school mode. Filling water bottles, hunting (every. single. morning.) for matching socks, and making school lunches. Three — no, FOUR lunches this year.
(yup, going back to the teaching world means that Mama will need a lunch too!)
Even though I have a few years of lunch packing under my belt, it is a little intimidating to think about packing so many lunches each and every day. When my well runs dry, where can I go for new healthy, kid-friendly lunch ideas?
One word: Momables.
I discovered Momables last year; I wanted some new ideas and a Google search led me to Laura and her amazing school lunch packing resource.
A busy (busy!) mom of three young children, Laura created Momable to help parents plan healthy lunches that can be prepared in as little as 10 minutes. She’s also a GENIUS at showing parents — through her amazing free weekly newsletter — how to organize and prepare ahead so that school mornings are wee bit less stressful.

A Momables-style lunch I made last Spring; originally shared in the post Mommy Sleeps In {Make-Ahead School Lunch Ideas}
Her weekly lunch planning service, for a nominal monthly fee, offers complete menus, grocery lists and recipes … for meals kids will eat!
Pssssst … she also includes gluten-free options!!!
Momables gives parents plenty of good free information too — “How To” posts like How To Make Homemade Smoothies … Recipes like 3-Ingredient Peanut Butter Pudding (a recipe I developed for Momables), and (of course) lunch ideas galore, including a recent post on 10 Non-Sandwich Lunch Ideas.
Everywhere you turn, Laura is dishing out ideas, tips and recipes to ease the task of feeding your children.
Try Momables Out (for free)
You can get a sample week from MOMables –yup, 5 lunch ideas, prep-ahead tips and a shopping list– for FREE when you sign up for their weekly newsletter. If you are ready to let MOMables help you get out of your lunch packing rut, come up with new lunch ideas, and simplify your lunch packing routine… check out their plans. Get ready to start making school lunches your kids will love.
As part of my month-long, #iheartLunch Back to School Giveaways, Laura has graciously offered a 3-Month Subscription to Momables and a $25 Amazon Gift-Card to help one of you get ready for the return of the lunch-packing season!!!
TO ENTER {mandatory}:
(1) Like Momables on Facebook and (2) Subscribe to her free Newsletter Service.
(trust me, it’s worth it! I love getting her newsletter every weekend).
(3) Please leave a comment on this post once you have completed those two steps.
Bonus Entries (completely, 100% optional!)
*Note — please leave a separate comment for any/all bonus entries you choose to complete.*
- Leave a comment sharing your biggest lunch-packing struggle.
- Follow Following In My Shoes on Facebook.
- Follow FIMS on Twitter.
- Follow FIMS on Pinterest.
- Tweet this giveaway. (for your convenience, you may use the “tweet” button located at the top of this post; this post may be tweeted a max of 2 times daily — please leave the URL of your tweet in your comments below)
This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only, and it will end August 15, 2013, at 10:00 am CMT. Entries will be checked to ensure the contest guidelines were followed. The Winner will be notified by email and will have 48 hours (from the time the email is sent) to confirm his/her win. If I do not hear back from the winner by that time, a new name will be drawn.
I am both an affiliate and a contributing writer for Momables but the words and opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own!