Later this week, my sister (who is now just 10 weeks from giving birth to her first child . . . YAY) and her husband will spend many, many, MANY hours in a car. JUST to come visit ME.
Eh, who am I kidding? They’re really coming to see the Little Lady and Mr. Boy.

My sister and my son. Sadly, he's moved out of the baby-open-mouth kissing stage. It's a bittersweet thing.
Even though they aren’t coming to really spend time with me, I’m going to cook for them like they are. Oh, heavenly days — I can’t WAIT for Thursday night. It’s going to be a smorgasbord of “Foods Rachel Has Been Craving.”
(luckily for my family, it is all food they enjoy too)
What I COULD pass on is all the cleaning I need to do this week; our guest room is nothing short of a disaster zone as I’ve been using it to store baby stuff and the kidlets outgrown clothing. I hate, loathe, despise, and abominate cleaning.
Because my time will be spent doing all that dirty work the first part of this week, I’d rather NOT do a lot of cooking too. It’s time to utilize some of the foods I’ve been freezing lately and some easy crock-pot recipes! Woo hoo for little to no time in the kitchen . . . and minimal grocery shopping!
What We Be Eatin’ This Week
- Monday: Crock-Pot Roasted Chicken with carrots and asparagus (a hold over from last week)
- Tuesday: Turkey Tacos and Spanish Rice (the rice is leftover from last week and GOOD — I froze the remainder and have plenty for this week’s meal)
- Wednesday: Crock-pot Brown Beans with Hearty Kale and Sausage Soup (the soup was made and frozen last week; it was good but REALLY spicy, so I’m going to make plain pinto beans and add half of them in to tone down the soup a bit. The remaining half of cooked beans will be frozen for a later meal. . . yup, you can freeze cooked beans!)
- Thursday: Grilled Gulf Shrimp, Grilled Blue Cheese Burgers, Grilled Bacon Wrapped Jalapeno Peppers, Grilled Asparagus, salad and homemade vinaigrette. (I told you — a smorgasbord of everything I craved this past week)
- Friday: Rosemary-Garlic Pot Roast*, Mashed Potatoes with mushroom gravy
- Saturday: Steamed Asian Wonton Dumplings (I made a huge batch of these last week and will be using some of the ones I froze for an easy dinner), Asian Green Bean Stir-Fry
- Sunday: leftovers for lunch . . . dinner with our Church Small Group!
Do you freeze leftovers? What’s your favorite way to use leftovers for an easy meal?