Our tires are finally fixed!!!!!!! Praise the LORD!
Turns out, the repairs could have been finished much sooner but there was a misunderstanding between our insurance company and the repair shop. But, the sweet mechanic/owner offered to open up this morning to fix the tires!!!!!!!!
Hubby drove in from Houston last night, walking in through my parent’s front door around 2 am. It was about that time that the Little Lady woke up . . . and talk about a REUNION!!!!!! Oh, my goodness — that was one excited little girl. She was instantly all smiles, very giggly, and full of silly antics, doing everything she could to entertain her long lost Daddy. Around 3 am, she decided it was ok if she went to sleep — as long as she was in the bed with her Daddy.
Now, well tomorrow, we will begin our 10 hour drive back home. It’s been wonderful, absolutely wonderful, to spend this extra time with my family, but I am definitely ready to head home!