Holiday Gift Guides are always popular in the blogosphere around any major holiday … and Mother’s Day is NO exception. For the past few weeks, I’ve received email after email of “pitches,” from companies who want their product featured in MY Mother’s Day Gift Guide.
The only problem (for them) is that I don’t do “Gift Guides.” Not your typical ones, anyway — I did a “Handmade Gift Guide” for the Christmas Holiday Season but that’s been the one and only gift guide from me.
Till today.
About two days ago, Hubby asked what I wanted for Mother’s Day. TWO days ago. Now, I’d mention a little something about how he seems to be waiting till the last minute, but his timing is improving. Last year, he remembered Mother’s Day ON Mother’s Day.
The boy really is getting better.
This morning, the subject came up again … this time, the Little Lady joined the conversation, telling her Daddy they should take me to a secret place called “McDonalds” and then surprise me with a trip to a carnival to see “Cowboys.”
(Yes, she used AIR QUOTES when she said “Cowboys.” I’m a little afraid of what kind of “Cowboys” she was talking about)
To help everyone out, I thought I use my powerful blogging skills to share what I (and I’m guessing a few other Moms) really want for Mother’s Day. It’s a short list of only two gift ideas.
Yes, it’s really this simple, Dads.
The Following In My Shoes Ultimate Mother’s Day Gift Guide
1. Give the mom in your life ONE DAY (or the entire weekend, if you can manage) of “Bathroom Freedom.” No little hands banging on the bathroom door . . . no little people trying to run in just as Mommy is trying to “take care of business” . . . no wee faces pressed against the bottom of the door, voices calling out “Are you done YET?”.
It’s a simple gift and one that ANY Mommy can appreciate. TRUST me.
2. Sleep is a glorious thing and I don’t know a Mom that wouldn’t love more sleep in her life. Here, Dad, is your chance to grant your wife with the “Gift of Sleep“. Take the kids for the day and let Mommy shut herself away in the bedroom. DO NOT STAY AT HOME WITH THE KIDS. We women are programmed to “listen” (even while sleeping) for kidlet fights, cries, and evidence that Daddy is losing it. If you want your wife to get a blissful few hours of rest, take the children and go far, far away.
And, for heaven’s sake, make sure you take ALL of the kidlets. There’s nothing worse than to be “given” the chance for a nap and then have a child sneak in your room . . . in your bed . . . and “do things” to you. Believe me, if you have a child, they love nothing more than to sneak into Mommy’s bed and “fix” her hair, open her eyelids or just flat-out wake her up.
If you love her wife, let her sleep in peace.
And, that’s it . . . yes, Dads, it really is this simple. Of course, every mom may be different, but I bet your wife has been giving you pretty strong hints as to what she wants this Mother’s Day. Might wanna give her a listen.
Happy Mother’s Day, everyone . . .

(Yup . . . that's my Mama and her four girls . . . and my caterpillar eyebrows. Gotta love 1990.)
And, Happy Mother’s Day to MY Mama. Now that I’m a mom — I don’t know HOW you did it all.