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“Main Entry: hap·pi·ness
Pronunciation: ˈha-pē-nəs
Function: noun
A state of well-being and contentment : joy “
Sigh, Mr. Boy. Sigh.
This child is only 9 months old and nothing makes him happier than running me ragged.
Is this what it’s like to be the Mommy of a boy?
“But, Rachel, look at that smile? How can such a happy boy be such a handful?”
Because, this is the real reason he was in a state of euphoria:
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It seems that I gave birth to a climber.
Not only did he push the beanbag over to the piano and climb up, he also climbed a step ladder and the stairs that day.
I knew he could climb — he’s been climbing over stuff and on top of low-lying objects for awhile now. But, big stuff? No, that’s a new development . . . one for which my anxious heart is not ready.
It’s going to be a long, scary summer.

Hosted by Cecilyand Lisa