In just a few short hours, Mr. Boy will have completed his first year of life.
His first year of beautiful blue eyes and little curls.
His first year of discovering the indescribable joy of splashing water.
His first year of melting my heart every time I see his little face.
In a few short hours, he will be closer to entering the Terrible Twos than the day he entered the world.
Closer to independence.
Closer to “All by MYSELF.”
Closer to “No, Mommy!”
In a few short hours, he will be one and I will be crying.
The baby I was told I’d “never have” will no longer be a baby.
The baby I was told would “never be” will be a toddler.
The baby I was told to “stop dreaming about” will start being his own little person.
In a few short hours, I’ll be that much closer to being “Mom” instead of Mommy.
Please — anybody — tell me I’m not the only crazy, hormonal Mommy to cry over a 1st Birthday!