This past weekend, I had the strangest dream yet of this pregnancy. And, no, despite how crazy it was, it was not my craziest preggo dream ever. That distinction goes to a dream I had when pregnant with Mr. Boy . . . when I dreamed I was being milked with dairy apparatus.

(yeah, looks comfy doesn't it?)
In my recent dream, like in real life, I was experiencing pregnancy along side my sister-in-law (Sarabeth of Shoes and Tattoos). Only, since dreams have to have some crazy aspect to them, we weren’t having singletons.
I was pregnant with 17 babies and Sarabeth was expecting 18.
(Are there even animals that have that many babies in one litter?)
Oh, and our mother-in-law was Michelle Duggar . . . of course.
There we were . . . me with 17 babies in my belly, Sarabeth with 18, and Michelle, who’d had 19 babies in her belly at some point.
Like any good dream, I wasn’t fazed in the slightest by the possibility of carrying and delivering 17 babies. And, as with good dreams, I looked GOOD for having 17 FULL TERM babies within me. Possibly even better than I do NOW with one 20-weeker in me.
Sarabeth was a little stressed out — mainly because SHE HAD 18 KIDS IN HER UTERUS and she had a husband who kept breaking things, messing things up, forgetting to do stuff. You know, typical husband stuff that will drive a pregnant lady crazy.
As any woman pregnant with 18 babies would do, Sarabeth yelled at her husband. . . a lot. And no one, not even Mama Duggar, could understand why she would be so upset with the father of her EIGHTEEN babies. Well, I understood — I got it — I was right there with her.
Gotta love dreams.
Thankfully, THANKFULLY, there’s really only one baby — one very active baby — in my body. And, today, we get to head over to my OB’s office for our Anatomy Scan.
Or, what most people call, the Gender Scan.
As of right now, Hubby is still adamant that we not find out the gender of this little one.
As of right now, I’m planning on getting as many sneak peeks as I can and using my deductive reasoning skills to figure out whether I’m hosting a girl-child or a boy-child.
If I don’t figure it out on my own, then it’s back to the DIY Gender Prediction Tests. Currently, we’re at 3 votes for girl and 1 vote for boy.
(I did the baking soda test last week and will share it soon . . . and the baby’s heart rate has always been above 140, which is “supposed” to mean girl)
Keep me in your thoughts this afternoon — as much as I talk about wanting to know the gender, I’m really more concerned with having a healthy baby . . . hoping today’s ultrasound gives some reassurance as to the baby’s overall health.