Several months ago, Mr. Boy had his first hair cut — nothing more than a little trim. We went to a professional and I gave strict instructions that his beautiful curls were to be left alone.
The brilliant woman realized I was serious and followed my wishes.
This past weekend, Hubby was not so compliant.
His hair was beautiful.
Baby lush and full of curls.
But Hubby wanted to cut his hair. One too many people called Mr. Boy a girl. Referred to him as a “her” and said “She’s so cute.”
Hubby was done with the curls.
With my sewing shears (YES – my sewing shears) in hand and pizza in front of Mr. Boy, he went to work.
Mind you, this was his first time to give a child a hair cut.
Doesn’t he look like a boy now? Not a baby boy . . . a grown-up, real life boy.
It’s going to take me awhile to recover from this.