But I ‘m not so sure the other patrons of my local grocery store survived … I was a SIGHT.
It’s all Baby Barney Kneeknuckles’ fault.
This picture has nothing to do with this story ... other than the fact he was sleepy when I took it. I just think my kidlets are pretty and wanted to show them off.
He was asleep — sound asleep — a state I work hard to achieve every night. It normally takes an hour or so to get him good and OUT. Wednesday night, he only woke twice before reaching that beautiful deeply asleep spot.
I tip-toed out of the room, shut the door and didn’t breathe again till I was downstairs and well out of hearing distance for Barney’s “all-too-good-at-hearing-Mommy’s-every-move” little ears.
Only then did it hit me: I needed to go to the store for Mr. Boy’s milk — a necessity to ensure I had a sweet little boy in the morning instead of a cranky two year old monster.
But this Mama was wearing these:
Yeah – not the best look for going anywhere other than bed. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen these on People of Walmart.
Or I will if anyone took my picture.
That’s right — I wore THOSE pajamas to the store. I had no choice.
Plus, fifteen people everyone on Facebook told me to do it.
They made me.
Everyone on Facebook and Barney Kneeknuckles.
(Ignore the ridiculous misspelling of "fleece." I was in a bad place and having issues. I know how to spell.)
I hemmed and hawed for a few more minutes … uploaded my ugly pajama picture so everyone had a CLEAR understanding of what I was risking.
But they were still adamant. I must GO.
(all except my youngest sister who, like me, still hears the voice of our mother in her ear: “NEVER, EVER go out in public wearing pajamas.”)
I went.
Oh, yes — ugly pajamas and flip flops.
(it’s Houston … city of perpetual summer)
My face was red as I walked down each aisle and I was very aware that everyone … EVERY ONE … was desperately avoiding eye contact, shielding their children from me and my PJ’s, and whispering to one another about my lack of shame. A Cart-Boy ran screaming to the parking lot.
Well, I think all that was going on. I’m sure it was. Positive.
Just like I KNOW someone probably took a picture and I’m gonna be on People of Walmart.
Oy. I should have listened to my Mama and my little sister.
No. Pajamas. In. Public.