Simple & Fresh St. Patrick’s Bento:
4-Leaf Clover Sunbutter Sandwich, Pot Of Gold (carrot coins), Fruit Rainbow, String Cheese, Annie’s Goddess Dressing (in the small green container).
I’m just gonna come out and say it … I am a total slacker this week on the blog.
It’s spring break and unbelievable GORGEOUS outside. Mockingbirds are singing in my back-yard and ladybugs and lizards are sunning themselves on the porch.
(the little green guy I shared earlier today on Instagram)
No one wants to be cooped up, starting at the computer, or cleaning closets (a goal I’d set for this week). No, we all want to be outside, enjoying Springtime in Texas . . . while we can before those ugly 90-degree temps pop back up!
So, if you don’t see me much this week, it’s because we’re all outside picnicking, gardening, and playing.
Priorities. You gotta have some.
Simple & Fresh St. Patrick’s Bento (in a Lunchbot container):
Sunbutter Pocket Sandwich, Pot Of Gold (carrot coins), Fruit Rainbow, String Cheese.
I Heart Lunch!!
I adore getting inspiration and ideas (and even “THAT’S how you do that” moments) from others out there … so let’s share with one another with the “I Heart Lunch Weekly Link-up.”
You can link to any kid-lunch/bento or family-friendly recipe on a blog post or via flickr photos — this linky is for any kind of healthy school lunch and kid-food, regardless if it is Bento-style or not. I want to celebrate our efforts to provide good and enjoyable school lunches for our families!
My only request is that you either add a link back to this post or include the Lunch Graphic (which links back) to your post so others can get here to view the linked lunches too!
Link up your school lunches and bentos! Please use a permalink for your post rather than linking your general blog/flickr account URL — this will help people go directly to your fabulous lunch!

Now — link ’em up!
[…] Mom on Timeout, Kitchen Fun With My 3 Sons, I Heart Lunch […]