My Lil' Bell Peppers -- still around from last year. Hoping and praying the critters don't destroy things before I can enjoy the harvest!
One sure fire to lose weight, be healthy, stay “regular,” and everything else that is good in life is to EAT YOUR FRUITS AND VEGGIES!
Am I the best example of consuming the recommended (6-8 servings a day for women) daily amount? Um, no.
I’m not a meat lover — I adore vegetables and fruit … crispy raw, roasted, or steamed, I have no problem enjoying produce.
I just have a hard time being deliberate about it all — making SURE I’m eating my 6-8 servings — AND I struggle remembering to incorporate organic produce choices.
(but that’s because I’m so programmed to looking for the cheapest produce rather than heading to the — more expensive — organic section)
When it comes to the Kidlets, the Little Lady would SO be vegetarian if she could; well, vegetarian except on the days her Daddy grills shrimp. That little tyke can put AWAY some shrimp!
Mr. Boy? He adores fruit but vegetables aren’t his first bite at dinner time …. or his second, third or fourth bites.
As I head into summer-time, a season more abundant with fresh, rainbow colored foods, I want to work on getting better about serving (and eating) fruits and vegetables.
But, I find myself wondering a few things:
- How, as a busy mom, do I make sure I am taking care of both my nutritional needs AND that of the Kidlets?
- Should I “hide veggies” in foods for my picky eater?
- How I, economically, bring more organic, pesticide-free produce into the home?
- Where can I find good deals on the freshest produce? And, what about “buying local?”
- And, um, can someone tell me how become a successful gardener? One of “those people” who has a bountiful harvest in their backyard?
Let’s Brainstorm Together
Tonight (Thursday, 4/12) at 9pm EST, I’m co-hosting a Live Chat on Fruits and Veggies.
Topics will cover the questions I’ve listed above, as well as recipes and any and all questions YOU may have!
Interested? You can join our live chat below on this post, or join in through the Ebates Savvy Living Community. I’m co-hosting with Tiffany from Eat At Home (one of my FAVORITE menu planning blogs) and Kelly from Kansas City Mamas.
Hope to see you there!