Don’t mind me, Mommy. I’m not doing anything . . . yet.
This past weekend, we took our first family “staycation” at the Woodlands Resort and Conference Center. We were in the room all of five seconds before the Kidlets went NUTS over the excitement of new digs. Squealing, jumping up and down, clamoring over the NEW windows, NEW beds, NEW toilet, NEW television.
(you’d think they didn’t get out of the house at all)
But, it wasn’t just the big Kidlets. Barney Kneeknuckles played his part, excitedly crawling everywhere, looking for anything and everything he could get into.
The phone.
The toilet.
The random pine-cone privacy sign.
And, the worst part, is he knows to wait till we aren’t watching him. He knows, y’all.
That baby would bide his time, till Mommy and Daddy were busy coralling the older two. Then, as fast as his chubby, only slightly coordinated legs could move, he was off for the bathroom, my diaper bag, the trash-can.
Developing and honing those sneaky instincts.
This does not bode well for the future.