Last week, I shared my fear, anxiety and near paranoia about this surprising (but very much wanted) pregnancy. Within minutes of publishing that very raw post, so many of you sent your thoughts, prayers, scriptures and encouragement for me.
There is no way to adequately explain how much I gained from those comments. With each one that came to my inbox, a new bucket of tears was shed . . . good tears . . . and I found myself finding new strength, hope and faith that God would let this latest miracle come to fruition.
Monday, I went in for my 3rd U/S, praying to see a heartbeat but also preparing to deal with another loss.
Houston, we have a heartbeat.
A measurement: 7 weeks, 4 days.
And, finally, a due date: August 25 (one day before Mr. Boy’s birthday).
I feel that I can breathe now.
p.s. thank you.