This past week, two different women have correctly predicted the gender of Barney Kneeknuckles.
Just by looking at my stomach.
According to this favorite gender prediction theory, if a woman “carries” her baby high (high up in her abdomen) then she is having a girl. If she carries low, (low down toward the hips/lower half of the abdomen) it’s a boy.
The story behind this Old Wives’ Tale? SUPPOSEDLY, a girl is dependent, cuddly, and wants to be close to her mother’s heart. On the other hand, a boy could care less and wants to be completely independent . . . hence, he ends up lower in the abdomen, farther away from his mom’s heart.
(TOTALLY sexist, isn’t it?)
In real life, I have a very cuddly Mr. Boy, who snuggles up to me when watching morning cartoons and runs up to me during the day for impromptu hugs and kisses. The Little Lady, while one of the sweetest and most compassionate children I know, is more apt to say “I love you” and “write” chicken-scratch letters of affection rather than surprise me with hugs and kisses.
And, then, there is Barney Kneeknuckles . . . Numero Three. The little one who has turned me into a boiling furnace. The little one who has decided my bottom right rib is in his or her way and must. be. destroyed. The little one who makes it IMPOSSIBLE to eat what I want, sleep when I want, or even sit in any chair I want.
The little rat.
So, is this child snuggling next to my heart or trying to get away. Will this one follow in the footsteps of Mr. Boy or the Little Lady?
We’ll find out in six weeks.
So, what’s your guess? Is Barney Kneeknuckles a boy or a girl?