Numero Three’s birth is going to bring about a lot of changes aside from those typical with a newborn; one of our major changes involves a HUGE bedroom switch. For several reasons, Hubby and I have decided that BOTH the Little Lady and Mr. Boy will move to new rooms . . . and Numero Three will eventually move in with one of them (depending on whatever Numero Three’s gender turns out to be).
(oy . . . I’m already too tired for this!)

Sniff ... no more "baby" bedroom for the Little Lady
For the past couple of months, the Little Lady and I have been trying to choose what her “Big Girl Room” will look like, spending HOURS browsing various design sites for ideas.
But the Little Lady has her own of ideas:
- The room should be black and brown.
- The room should have pictures of slugs.
- But pink and purple are her favorite colors.
Oh. Good. Grief.
Since we haven’t reached a consensus on an “age-appropriate” theme, Mommy has made the executive decision to focus on furniture instead of colors and fabrics.
The problem is simple: what type of bed should I get for my preschooler?
The Little Lady is little, but I know she won’t always be and I’d like to set up a “big girl” bed that will last for years. The options are endless . . . which is a GOOD thing but also makes my job all the harder.
She could use the bedroom furniture that I had as a child — an antique, Art Deco bedroom suite. It’s functional but I’m hesitant to let my Little Lady loose on it. I mean, this is the child who has stickers all over her toddler bed and stripes of deodorant on her wall.
(don’t ask)
Or . . . we could go with a bunk bed setup; I found these south shore bunk beds and they’re adorable. Heck, MAMA would take one of these beds (although, it might be a bit difficult to get my big preggo belly up the ladder).
I’m in love with the idea of saving floor space by elevating the bed, allowing us to put her toy shelf or bean bag or whatever we want UNDER the bed. Genius.
Or . . . we could choose a bed with storage, like the south shore platform beds with drawers underneath. I mean, if she’s anything like the childhood version of me, she’ll be stuffing stuff under her bed. Why not at least USE that under-bed space for a purpose and give drawers to keep everything organized?
Plus, with a platform bed, she could have a larger (full or queen) sized bed, which would last into her teen years.
Too. Many. Choices. (sigh)