Today was the day. BACK TO SCHOOL FOR THE KIDLETS!!!!!!!
This year was Mr. Boy’s first year so our morning routine was a little less flexible today — two breakfasts to scarf down… two sets of teeth to brush (and rebrush since we are on the “you do it then Mommy does it” plan) … and, of course, two school lunches to make.
TWO lunches…. eek!
Being just a wee bit intimidated this morning at the thought of making two bentos, I opted for the lazy simple approach and went with an easy but still cute “First Lunch.”
I used picks and cookie cutters for a little cute factor but everything is really just thrown in there.
The Food:
- Ham Kabob
- Carrots/baby cucumbers
- Orange Flowers (grape center/color theme food-pick)
- Bagel Crisps
- A small container of Homemade Ranch Dip for the Little Lady
- Colby and Monterray Jack cheese cut outs
The Supplies:
After sharing pictures on Facebook, a friend asked about the various items I used to create and contain these lunches, so I am sharing the links on Amazon (where I purchased nearly everything — although, the actual “bento” boxes are just sandwich boxes I picked up in Target. But, I went ahead and included an Amazon link to an identical box).
Share Your School Lunch!
This year, I’ve decided to offer an opportunity to link your school lunches and/or bento lunches! I ADORE getting inspiration and ideas (and even “THAT’S how you do that” moments) from others out there … so share your photos!
You can link to a blog post or flickr photos — this linky is for any kind of healthy school lunch, regardless if it is Bento-style or not. I want to celebrate our efforts to provide good and enjoyable school lunches for our children!
New to Bento and want to know more? I have two posts that will explain the basics, give you resources and tips for successful lunch planning and preparation. I hope they help!
I’m going to offer the linky every Tuesday when I share our Bento lunches so you’ll be able to add your lunches every week. My only request is that you either add a link back to this post or include the Lunch Graphic (which links back) to your post so others can get here to view the linked lunches too!

Let’s get started!
[…] found a new bento linky that I think Im going to adore. So check out Following in my shoes for more Bento fun! .nrelate_related .nr_sponsored{ left:0px !important; } […]