Out of all the gender prediction methods people have shared with me, the Red Cabbage Gender Test was (and is) the ODDEST of them all. I mean, c’mon . . . adding a pregnant woman’s bodily fluids to boiled cabbage water? Um . . . gross.
But, I did it.
I first heard of this test early on during this pregnancy, thanks to other pregnant women in my online “Due Date Club” group. One of the women, pregnant with her sixth child SWORE by this prediction method.
Hey, she ought’a know, right?
As soon as I started mentioning it to other friends, several of them came out and cheerfully confirmed the validity of this test. With each soon-to-be-mom and “been there, done that” mom that said it was legitimate, I became convinced that cabbage is more than just a pretty source of roughage. . . and that this test was the way to go.

Yup -- this was the actual cabbage sacrificed for this test.
This prediction method is both cheap and easy . .. I think my cabbage was under 2 dollars; heck of a lot cheaper than the $29 I spent on the Gender Maker Prediction test last month.
How To Do The Red Cabbage Gender Test
- Step 1: Go to the store and buy a head of red cabbage.
- Step 2: Go to the bathroom and urinate into a cup; I’d recommend a disposable cup, but that’s just me.
- Step 3: Chop half of the cabbage. (see above picture)
- Step 4: Put the cabbage in a large saucepan and cover with cold water.
- Step 5: Place the pan over high heat till it reaches a rolling boil.
- Step 6: Remove the pan from the heat source and let the contents cool for 10 minutes.
- Step 7: In a SEPARATE (disposable) cup, mix one part cabbage water with one part urine. I was NOT willing to use one of my measuring cups to get an accurately measured amount of urine, so I used the graphics on my disposable cups as “markers” to get equal amounts of both liquids.
- Step 8: Scrutinize the urine/cabbage water. The color is what determines the gender of your baby. If the liquid is pink to red, you’re having a boy. If the color is purple, it’s a girl.
Sounds easy enough, right? Yeah, unless you get a color that’s more “magenta” — a color that has a mix of red AND purple to the naked eye.

Kind of pretty for having a gross ingredient, isn't it?
I was in panic mode. . . I mean, the answer would determine my baby’s gender! It all depended on whether this was a red concoction or purple concoction. (sigh — the drama of that morning)
Quick to seek the opinions of others, I posted the picture on Facebook, hoping others would settle the issue.
Out of 29 comments, the results were varied. Some said pink. Some red. Cranberry, Magenta, Purple and “Shocking Pink” were some of the opinions offered.
There wasn’t a clear answer, even among Facebook friends. (sigh)
Then one friend had a BRILLIANT suggestion. . . pull the color in a graphics program and see what it “really” is.
No matter where I pulled the color, the liquid always came up in the red zone.
It’s official . . . since taking the Gender Maker test, which came up with “girl” results, this baby grew something and turned into a man-child.
Isn’t it nice that these tests are managing to keep the gender a secret like this? I mean, would it be too much for them all to give the same answer?
I think not.
***10/09/11 UPDATE***
Well … it’s October and I have a seven week old ….
a baby ….
This test was the ONLY gender prediction test that ended up correct!
Woo hoo for cabbage.